We are the highest rated West Sacramento Gold & Silver Coin buyers!
"Coin Shops" in West Sacramento as well as prominent West Sacramento Coin Dealers simply can't beat our customer satisfaction ratings! Visit our West Sacramento Coin Store.
Are you looking to sell gold coins? Looking to sell silver coins? Want the most cash for coins? Gold Bug Coins Jewerly will pay you the highest value possible for your gold and silver coins.
Sell your coins to us. We guarantee a free coin appraisal.Be that a single coin that needs to be appraised, or a collection of rare coins - We will appraise it free. We also provie an estate coin collection appraisal, also free of charge. Bring in your Gold, Silver & Platinum coins for appraisal. We are a reputable Gold Dealer in West Sacramento with highest "Cash for Coins" value in the Sacramento County. We are the most rated Gold, Silver, Jewelry and Coins Dealer in Sacramento County, CA.
It might be surprising, but many people don't know where to sell silver coins, gold coins or jewelry in Sacramento. Bring them to us - we pay top dollar! We are the best place to sell gold, silver, jewelry or coins in Sacramento CA.
Get cash for gold & silver. Sell us your Jewelry!
Incredible customer reviews for our coin store in Sacramento:

Cash for Gold, Silver & Coins
Do you want to sell gold or silver coins? Have a silver, gold, rare coin collection that simply collects dust? We pay cash for it. We are the experts in coin collecting in Sacramento area. Sell your sterling silver flatware set or serving pieces such as trays, pitches, silverware, candle holders and much more. Sell gold jewelry, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Platinum Jewelry, antique vintage jewelry and receive highest price in cash. No other Coin Shop in Sacramento beats our cash offers.

Sell Gold Jewelry, Watches, Silverware
Aside from cash for gold & silver coins offers, we also pay cash for gold jewelry & sterling silver. Sell your gold jewelry to us for cash. Also check out a list of items we pay cash for scrap gold, jewelry, watches, silverware, and more.
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More About Coins
Gold Bug Coins Jewerly is a highly motivated buyer of all kinds of coins; such as gold coins, silver coins, foreign paper currency, foreign coins, rare coins, souvenir coins, elongated penny, hobo nickels, wooden nickels and more. We offer free rare coins appraisal. If you have one rare coin or many coins or estate coin collection, we will appraise it for free. more.
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Sell Gold, Silver, Platinum
Our Gold & Silver Coin Store Sacramento, CA Location
Sacramento, CA 95818
Mon: Closed
Tues-Sat:10:00am - 5:00pm
Sun: Closed Contact Us
We are the best place to sell gold in Sacramento, CA - our customers come from:
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